Friday, August 21, 2009

My Children...I am blessed...

Stephen and I have some friends that just added a baby girl to their family. Sadly, the baby was born with a bad heart. She has already gone through one surgery with another scheduled for Tuesday. This was a complete shock to all the family and all their friends. Please say a special prayer that this sweet, baby girl gets stronger and makes it through with flying colors on Tuesday.
When things like this happen, it hits close to home. You sit back and watch your own children and thank God that they are healthy and happy. You stop and enjoy the little things. I tend to slow down and be more patient and listen more tentatively to my children. I try to remember that every day is a gift. I am so blessed... my husband and children are my everything and right now, I am thanking God that we are here, together, under one roof.

"My Best Creation Is My Children"

I love this layout because it's me with my children. I never had many pictures of me with the kids, but this past May, that changed. I handed over my camera for people to take pictures of us together- regardless of what I looked like. I am so happy I started doing that. Now, I can say, "remember when we were at so and so and did that? That was super fun!" And so on... think about it. You'll be happy to have the photos in years to come.
My lucky grand total of 3...


  1. Hello, I'm leaving a comment for you because you have a great site here - I've really enjoyed reading your posts and your pictures are great !

    Thanks for sharing them and have a lovely weekend

  2. oh my gosh--those are some MIGHTY CUTE small humans you have there! no surprise, really, having seen their mama's pic! :) i especially love the b&w photo...such a sweet funny moment to capture!

    ps: sending very good thoughts & wishes to your friends and their baby for tomorrow! ♥

  3. What beautiful pictures. Yes, you are very blessed. I don't know how all of us have been so lucky. God and our guardian angels must be working overtime to keep us all safe and healthy.


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