Y'all are too cute! I got two bloggy awards this week!
The first one came from my southern sister,
Sammye Jo. Thanks, girl!
Love her blog and all her creations! She has always got somethin' crafty cookin' over at 62 Cards! She truly is an
Xxtraordinary Blogger-
she never misses a beat- seriously! If her husband is in surgery, her little one is sick, in laws in town, that Sammye Jo
still has a blog post!

I would like to pass along this award to:
The second one came from my blog friend,
Diane. Diane is a wonderful crafter and her cards are amazing! She even sent Mac one of her fab creations for choosing her name as a blog candy winner! He was thrilled and it made his day! Thank you, Diane!

I would like to pass along this bloggy award to:
Okay... since I got these bloggy awards, I am required to tell you 10 honest things about myself and then, pass it along to 5 others. Here goes:
1.) I vacuum every single day.
2.) I can not leave the house without all the beds being made.
Messy bed, messy head!3.) I try to do at least one crafty thing every day.
4.) I have 3 brothers, parents who are still married, 9 nieces and nephews and 1 on the way!
5.) My best friend is my mom.
6.) I prefer jeans and clogs in the fall/winter and dresses and flip flops in the spring/summer.
7.) My favorite feature about myself is my eyes.
8.) My favorite color changes, but I always love red, pink, green and blue. I don't like purple, but it was my favorite color when I was little!
9.) I am 5'11" and have been since 6th grade. I
never minded being the tallest person in the class, or the entire school for that matter!
10.) And the biggest truth of them all... I asked out Stephen almost a dozen times before he finally asked me out himself. I set my eye on him and was determined he was the man I would marry!
Seven years, 2 houses, 1 dog, a turtle and three kids, and still going strong!So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed some
honest tid bits about myself! Thanks to Sammye Jo and Diane for giving me these special bloggy awards!