There was an ice storm. It was so cold, snow on the ground and under the snow, several inches of ice. I was 8 months pregnant and up the night before with what I thought were braxton hicks. I sent Stephen off to his usual Monday night of bowling and when he returned, he went off to bed while I was up... on the couch... in misery. Finally, at 6:30 am, it was time to wake him up and get to the hospital, I couldn't handle much more.
Once we were at the hospital, it was almost 7:00 am. We left the bags in the car because I was sure the doctor would send me home. On the contrary, the baby was breech and I was 6-7 cm dilated. I was being rushed in for an emergency c-section.
At 7:35 am, Stephen McDonald "Mac" Profumo was born exactly 4 weeks early. He was so perfect, weighing in at 6 pounds and 10 ounces, with a head kissed with blond curls. My first born baby, a boy, so sweet and precious... a day I will
never forget.
Mac has grown so much in the past year. He's still into sports, soccer and basketball being his favorites. He enjoys building with his Lego's, Cub Scouts, and started taking guitar lessons. He is a star student in second grade and loves to read. We are so very proud of him and all of his outstanding accomplishments!
Here are some of my favorite layouts of Mac:
His first trip to Kings Island riding a big roller coaster...

Mac has been a wonderful big brother to Elan since the day he was born...

Soccer stud...

Playing one of the "play" guitars- you have every intention of being a rock star, or possibly a singer/songwriter...

This layout sums up exactly who you are on the

Some recent photos of Mac:
At his birthday party, getting a great gift from my brother and his family...

Group shot... we celebrated with family for both Elan (2/2) and Mac's (2/18) birthday
(don't you love Anna's sweater?!)...

Mac's first day of second grade...

We used this photo for our holiday card...

Mac with his best friend, Noah, and the Archbishop after he received his Light of Christ medal for Cub Scouts. This was a proud day for him...
Working on a layout now of that day!

I look so forward to finding out what the next year has in store for Mac. He is such a kindhearted boy, who's smart, a good friend, brother and son. Mac is a joy and has been since the day he was born.
Happy birthday, big boy! I love you!To many, many more wonderful days filled with fun!